What is abuse?
Safeguarding is EVERYBODY’S business
Safeguarding is EVERYBODY’S business
A child is defined as anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as:
Child abuse is:
May involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child
May also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces illness in a child
Indicators of physical abuse:
Indicators of emotional abuse
Indicators of sexual abuse
Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:
Indicators of neglect
Child Sexual Exploitation
Indicators of child sexual exploitation
Child Criminal Exploitation
There is no agreed statutory definition of child criminal exploitation (CCE). In North Lincolnshire, the definition of CCE is that which:
Involves exploitative situations, contexts and relationships where a child (or a third person or persons) receive ‘something’ (e.g. food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money) as a result of them completing a task on behalf of another individual or group of individuals; this is often of a criminal nature.
CCE often occurs without the child’s immediate recognition, with the child believing that they are in control of the situation. In all cases, those exploiting the child/young person have power over them by virtue of their age, gender, intellect, physical strength and/or economic or other resources.
Violence, coercion and intimidation are common, involvement in exploitative relationships being characterised in the main by the child or young person’s limited availability of choice resulting from their social/economical and/or emotional vulnerability.
Children’s involvement in CCE is indicative of coercion or desperation rather than choice. CCE is a complex form of abuse and it can be difficult for those working with children to identify and assess
County Lines
County lines is the police term for urban gangs supplying drugs to suburban areas and market and coastal towns using dedicated mobile phone lines or ‘deal lines’. It involves CCE as gangs use children and vulnerable people to move drugs and money. Gangs establish a base in the market location, typically by taking over the homes of local vulnerable adults by force or coercion in a practice referred to as ‘cuckooing’.
Indicators of child criminal exploitation
Modern Day Slavery
Possible indicators or modern slavery (the following list may be indications of many different problems; it is important not to jump to the wrong conclusion too quickly)
Discriminatory Abuse
Possible indicators of discriminatory abuse (the following list may be indications of many different problems; it is important not to jump to the wrong conclusion too quickly)
Honour Based Abuse
In the UK it is illegal to abuse or harm anyone for cultural reasons or reasons of family honour, whether they are a member of the same family or not. For example, it is illegal to punish another family member for what someone considers to be dishonourable behaviour. There are men and women in the UK who have been convicted and sent to prison for harming family members for reasons of honour.
If you are worried about honour-based abuse / violence you can speak to the police. You can also get confidential advice from an organisation called Karma Nirvana on 0800 5999 247
Female Genital Mutilation
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) also known as cutting or female circumcision is illegal in the UK. Practising FGM or taking a girl or woman abroad for FGM is a criminal offence punishable by law.
If you are a victim of FGM, you need to speak with your doctor. There are doctors who specialise in helping FGM victims. You can also ask for advice from one of several national organisations, such as the NSPCC on 0800 028 3550.
Children who are worried that they are in danger of FGM can speak to police, teachers, social workers, or Childline on 0800 1111.
REPORT A CONCERN or speak to someone if you’re not sure:
North Lincolnshire
Concerned about an adult? Call the Safeguarding Adults Team on:
01724 297000
Concerned about a child: 01724 296500
North East Lincolnshire
Concerned about an adult? Call Focus on 01472 256256 (option 2)
Concerned about a child? Call the Integrated Front Door on 01472 326292 (option 2, option 2)
In all circumstances, if you are concerned that an adult or child is in immediate danger, call 999