School Resource – presentation for Primary Schools
A Young Carers Story, in the format of a presentation, for teachers and teaching assistants to deliver to primary school classes. It is recommended that all pupils are given the opportunity to understand who Young Carers are.
North Lincolnshire
North East Lincolnshire
The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the resilience of Adolescent Young Carers in transition to adulthood (15-17 years old) in order to impact positively on their mental health and well-being and to mitigate the negative influence of psychosocial and environmental factors in their lives.
Young Carers in Schools is an England-wide initiative that equips schools to identify and support young carers. The award celebrates your school’s commitment to young carers.
Do you work with young carers? Are you looking for information or advice on how to improve how you support them? The Children’s Society have years of experience. Visit their website to find out more