Useful Websites
A – Z
A – Z
Local Support in North Lincolnshire
Adult Information Service
North Lincolnshire Council’s Adult Information Service has a wide range of information on activities, leisure, and care and support services of interest to Carers and their families.
Adult Safeguarding Board North Lincolnshire
North Lincolnshire Council’s Adult Safeguarding Board provides information, news and resources.
Bosom Family Support
A local group of fighters, survivors and supporters. Our charity offers a variety of support to those individuals affected by cancer, in any way. Whether you are living with cancer, part of a family affected by cancer or simply one of the many people who wants to help those with cancer – Bosom Family Support are there to support you.
Carers in Partnership
Carers working together with local service providers. The group empowers carers to advocate for better local services, addressing issues that impact their lives, health, and well-being.
Cloverleaf Advocacy
Cloverleaf Advocacy is an independent charity providing advocacy services across the North Lincolnshire area.. All their services are free and confidential for those who need them.
Healthwatch North Lincolnshire
Healthwatch North Lincolnshire works to help you get the best out of your local health and social care services. Whether it’s improving them today or helping to shape them for tomorrow.
Lincoln & Lindsey Blind Society
Lincoln & Lindsey Blind Society’s aim is to enhance the quality of life for blind, partially sighted and visually impaired people whatever their age or personal circumstances in life. They give practical help, advice and assistance to those experiencing sight loss and their carers. You do not have to be registered with a visual impairment, or even have a referral from your doctor or optometrist.
North Lincolnshire Credit Union
Provides savings, loans and a range of services to its members, along with information about budgeting. They have a branch on the High Street in Scunthorpe.
North Lincolnshire Council
Provides information about North Lincolnshire Council services as well as North Lincolnshire in general. Advice, activities and support for vulnerable adults and Carers.
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust
Information about local hospitals.
SOBS (Survivors of Bereavement By Suicide)
There is a local group that meets locally. See weblink for more information.
Local Support in North East Lincs
Care Plus Group
Provides adult health and social care services to people across North East Lincolnshire.
Carelink provides a 24-hour Telecare Response Service which enables users to get help or reassurance ‘at the press of a button’ by having a telecare alarm unit fitted in their home. Carelink operators can call your family, friends, GP, the Emergency Services or other partner agencies to assist you if you need help. Other equipment is available to link to your alarm unit to help you stay living safely at home, giving you and your family peace of mind. Carelink also administers the Carers Emergency Alert Card.
Cloverleaf Advocacy is an independent charity providing advocacy services across the North Lincolnshire area.. All their services are free and confidential for those who need them.
Focus independent adult social work
Single Point of Access for community health and social care support, advice and information for residents in North East Lincolnshire.
Healthwatch North East Lincolnshire
Healthwatch North East Lincolnshire works to help you get the best out of your local health and social care services. Whether it’s improving them today or helping to shape them for tomorrow.
Provides mental health and associated services in North East Lincolnshire.
North East Lincolnshire Council
Information about services provided by North East Lincolnshire Council.
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust
Information about local hospitals.
Children & Families
Cerebra Toolkit
A toolkit is available from Cerebra which aims to support disabled people and Carers, as well as their families and advisers, who are encountering difficulties with the statutory agencies in relation to the provision of health, social care and education support services.
This site is created for young people, carers and professionals to pool together lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and wellbeing.
Contact supports families with disabled children with the best possible guidance and information. It brings families together to support each other, and helps families to campaign, volunteer and fundraise to improve life for themselves and others.
Council for Disabled Children
An online library of resources that you can access to find out more about disability policy and practice which includes a selection of materials specifically written with parents in mind.
The Children’s’ Bowel and Bladder Charity offer advice, resources and training to parents and carers to improve the lives of all children and young people in the UK facing continence challenges.
Family and Childcare Trust
The Family and Childcare Trust works to make the UK a better place for families, focusing on childcare and the early years to make a difference to families’ lives now and in the long term.
Gingerbread is a charity helping single parents. If you cannot find the information you need on their website, you can call their helpline.
A free online mental health and wellbeing support service for children and young people. People aged 11-25 can use to receive online sessions with counsellors, peer-to-peer support and more.
Preparing for Adulthood
Provides expertise and support to local authorities and their partners to embed preparing for adulthood from the earliest years. The site also contains a useful fact sheet on the Children and Families Act.
RNLI Water Safety Education
Share water safety advice with children of all ages and young people with resources and videos.
SEND Code of Practice
Guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25.
Think U Know
Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
UK Safer Internet Centre
A place where you can find online safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.
Directory of disability, mobility and health-related websites.
Better Mobility
Here you will find a list of charities which may be able to help you with the funding of your mobility equipment. There are many charities who specialise in providing funding for children, and while it can be more difficult to find funding for adults, it is available.
Disability Grants
Do you have a disability? Or care for disabled child or adult? If so, you can use this website to save time finding disability grants nationally and locally.
Disability Law Service
The Disability Law Service provides free legal advice, information and representation to disabled people and their families or carers.
Disability Rights UK/RADAR
Wide range of information and publications designed to educate and inform disabled people, public sector organisations and the private sector. Operates the National Key Scheme which provides disabled people with independent access to locked public toilets around the country.
Disabled Living Foundation
Provides free, impartial advice about all types of disability equipment and mobility products for older and disabled people, their Carers and families. From stairlifts to walk-in-baths, jar openers to tap turners, bath seats to walking sticks, wheelchairs to scooters, hoists to beds, the DLF can help find disabled equipment solutions that enable people to stay active and independent.
Together Matters
An organisation built on the belief that talking and working together helps to make better things happen in the lives of people with learning disabilities and their families.
Works to improve the quality of life of people affected by dementia. Produces a large number of factsheets on dementia-related topics.
A website for “mid life children providing care for elderly relatives in the community” areas for supporting parents with conditions such as dementia.
Offers a range of supported days out and holidays, as well as online dementia skills training for carers.
Use the dictionary to “translate” what your loved one is trying to express to you.
Provides support, information and advice about living with dementia. It offers a helpline is for anyone with a question or concern about dementia.
Dementia Stories (from Cruse Bereavement)
A useful supportive guide of stories from Carers. This booklet aims to give other carers information about what it’s really like being a carer from a carer’s point of view, wherever they are on the dementia journey.
The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme which encourages Carers, families, friends or neighbours, to print out and fill in a form with as much detail as possible, then keep it somewhere safe – along with a recent photo. That way, if the worst does happen, you can give the police all the information they need to start the search straight away – and you don’t have to think about significant dates or places when you’re worried and upset. Click the link below to print out and complete the form. If you don’t have access to a printer, pop into the Carers’ Support Centre and we will print it for you.
This website helps you to find the right support while waiting a memory assessment appointment and diagnosis.
Peggy’s Facebook page
Peggy’s provides home care and day care for individuals and couples living with older age, frailty and/or dementia. They also have a memory café every Thursday at Peggys Place. 10am to 12pm. for more details call 01724 808108. You can keep up-to-date via their Facebook page.
SCIE (Social Care Institute For Excellence)
There are video-based resource designed to help people look after someone safely at home, including behaviours, nutrition, and everyday support.
Together In Dementia Everyday (TIDE)
This is a UK wide involvement network of carers, former carers and health and care professionals who are working together to build a better future for carers of people living with dementia.
Action on Hearing Loss (RNID)
Largest charity working to chance the world for the UK’s 9 million deaf and hard of hearing people. Information resource about deafness and hearing loss.
Arthritis Care
Provides high-quality information and support to empower people to take control of their arthritis.
A UK-wide charity that works to improve life after brain injury. Through its network of more than 125 groups and branches across the UK, it provides support, services and information to brain injury survivors, their families and carers, as well as to professionals in the health and legal fields.
Macmillan Cancer Support
Provides practical, medical and financial support for people affected by cancer and pushes for better cancer care.
Information, advice, support and services for people with a learning disability and their families and carers.
Mental Health Foundation
Leading UK charity that provides information, carries out research, campaigns and works to improve services for anyone affected by mental health problems.
Myeloma UK
Provides information, support, research, advocacy, education and understanding about myeloma. There is also an information line and a local support group.
Prostate Cancer UK
Provides information and support for people affected by prostate cancer.
Rethink Mental Illness
Works to help everyone affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life. Has a good range of factsheets on all issues related to mental illness.
UK’s leading charity offering information, support and advice to over two million people with sight loss.
Supports disabled people and their families, especially those affected by cerebral palsy.
Stroke Association
Charity concerned with combating stroke in people of all ages. Provides information about all aspects of strokes.
Charity supporting those living with Motor Neurone Disease and their loved ones. Provides information and support.
A national body working to improve life for families affected by drugs and alcohol use. Website includes a series of online support video sessions for families affected by a loved one’s substance use.
Age UK
The UK’s largest charity working with and for older people. It has information guides on a wide range of issues.
Agylia Care
Agylia Care provides access to over 50 free guides and videos to help you care with a wide range of care and support topics, including Cancer Care, Children’s Care, Dementia, Learning Difficulties, Mental Health, Support for Carers and much more. The Agylia Care App is available for free on Apple and Android mobile and tablet devices, and you can also access Agylia Care for free via your laptop or PC.
Beacon provide free expert advice and affordable representation for families who are struggling to navigate the maze of NHS Continuing Healthcare.
Care Quality Commission
Inspects and reports on care services, care homes and hospitals.
Carers’ Trust
The Carers’ Trust is the largest provider of comprehensive carers support services in the UK.
Carers’ UK
Carers UK, a national organisation, supporting Carers by giving them a voice and campaigning for changes that make a difference.
Cinnamon Trust
The Cinnamon Trust is the only specialist national charity for people in their last years and their much loved, much needed companion animals. A network of 8,000 volunteers “hold hands” with owners to provide vital loving care for their pets. A national fostering service is provided for pets whose owners face a spell in hospital – volunteers take pets into their own homes and supply love and care in abundance until owner and pet can be reunited.
Crossroads Together Carers’ Pen pal Scheme
Crossroads Together provides a carer’s pen pal scheme, where you can write/email to people in a similar situation to yourself.
Independent Age
Independent Age provides an information and advice service for older people, their families and carers, focusing on social care, welfare benefits and befriending services.
Legal and General – Care Concierge Service – The Care Concierge team provide one to one telephone support, taking the time to listen to you before providing information and guidance to help you navigate the later life care journey. Their team of care experts can also work with you to find the care that your loved one needs, whether that is in their own home or in a care home.
Money Helper
Free guidance on everyday money matters, family and care, budgeting, pensions and lots more.
NHS Choices – Your Guide to Care and Support
Guide for people who have care and support needs, Carers and people who are planning for their future care needs.
Northern Powergrid
Offering a tailored services and guidance to ensure you get the support you need if there is a power cut. As a Priority Services Customer, the Powergrid Care team will make sure you receive extra help and peace of mind if there is a power cut.
Orcha Health Apps
All the health apps you need in one place covering a range of health conditions.
Rights of Women
A women’s charity working in a number of ways to help women through the law. Their services aim to provide women with the legal advice and information they need to understand and use the law and their legal rights.
Offering a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you.
Step Change
If you need free advice on problem debt, you can call StepChange. Their team of debt experts can help you find the solutions you need. 0800 138 1111 (weekdays 8.00 am – 8.00 pm, Saturdays 8.00 am to 4.00 pm).
Turn2us helps people in financial need gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help. They also have a benefits calculator.
Which? Later Life Care
Free, independent and practical guidance about making care choices across the UK.
Keeping Safe
FLOWS (Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors)
FLOWS, which stands for Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors, is a legal support service, designed to help protect women against domestic abuse.
Watch this video find out how to protect yourself from fraud and the local and national support available.
Friends Against Scams is a National Trading Standards Scams Team initiative which aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams by empowering people to take a stand against scams.
What is Fraud (Victim Support)
A website by Victim Support on fraud, what it is, how you can protect yourself and others, and what to do if you suspect that you have been targeted by fraudsters.
Hacking and other cyber threats (Police UK)
A webpage from the Police as an introduction to hacking and other cyber threats
Easy read information on fire safety for people with learning disabilities or autism.
Read the latest guide about fraud prevention.
Mystery Shopper Recruitment Scams
A website with advice on what mystery shopper scams are, how to recognise them and what to do if you have been caught out.
Karma Nirvana is an award-winning national charity supporting victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage. They also offer a national helpline on 0800 5999 247.
Resources to help young people protect themselves and friends against grooming. Website also provides support and information on areas such as violence against women and girls, anti-social behaviour, substance use and unhealthy relationships. All information is aimed at supporting young people and children within the local community.
Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and those supporting them. Offering advice and emotional support to men who experience abuse, and signpost to other vital services that help keep them and their children safe.
Victim Support is an independent charity, and exists to support people affected by crime.
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Please note:
The Carers’ Support Service accepts no responsibility or liability for services, advice or support provided by external organisations.
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