Parent Carer Information Workshop

Ashby Community Hub Ashby High Street, Ashby, North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Come along to our monthly information workshops for Carers of children with additional needs. Discuss a range of topics with the Parent Carer Keyworkers and Guest speakers.

Barton Upon Humber Dementia Café

Salvation Army 114 Tofts Road, Barton Upon Humber, United Kingdom

Come along for a cuppa and a chat. For those living with Dementia, or supporting someone who is. First Wednesday of each month (With the exception of New Years Day. Café held 8 January instead)   For Dementia Support, or for those caring for someone with dementia, or any memory problem, you can call The […]

Event Series Epworth Dementia Café

Epworth Dementia Café

Thurlow Pavilion Station Road, Epworth, United Kingdom

Come along for a cuppa and a chat. For those living with Dementia, or supporting someone who is. Second Thursday of each month 1pm to 3pm.   For Dementia Support, or for those caring for someone with dementia, or any memory problem, you can call The Carers Support Service on 01652 650585 for free and […]

Carer’s Voice

Crosby Collective Avenue Vivian, Scunthorpe, United Kingdom

Carer's Voice is an independent group of Carers whose aim is to make sure that the needs of unpaid Carers and those they care for are met.  The Carer's Voice is regularly consulted by local services around the support they provide and what can be done to improve services in our local area. Carer Voice […]

Event Series Barton Carer Peer Support Group

Barton Carer Peer Support Group

Salvation Army 114 Tofts Road, Barton Upon Humber, United Kingdom

Meets on the second and fourth Friday of the month from 1.00pm to 3.00pm at The Salvation Army, 114 Tofts Road, Barton Upon Humber, DN18 5NG. Talk to us if you feel that you cannot attend the group because of your caring role on 01652 650585.

Event Series Carer Lunch Club

Carer Lunch Club

Wortley House Hotel Rowland Road, Scunthorpe, United Kingdom

Our monthly get together at The Wortley House Hotel, Rowland Road, Scunthorpe. DN16 1SU. Only £5 per person for a set main course meal, a pudding and either tea or coffee.   Join us at 12pm.   Booking is essential on 01652 650585 as places are limited. Bookings slots open 2 weeks prior to the […]

Event Series Parent Carer Peer Support Group

Parent Carer Peer Support Group

Crosby Collective Avenue Vivian, Scunthorpe, United Kingdom

Open to Adults only.  Please note meeting dates vary around school holidays. Come and join us to chat with other local Parent Carers and share experiences and ideas.   Usually monthly on Wednesdays 10am - 12pm. Please confirm with the Carers' Support Service 01652 650585 for date and time changes, or look in the Caring […]